Automatically Restarting Your WiFi 5GHz Channel on Asus Merlin Routers

Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is a feature used in 5GHz WiFi networks to avoid interference with radar systems. However, this can cause your router to switch to a lower channel.

DFS channels are part of the 5GHz band and are shared with radar systems. When a radar signal is detected, the router must switch to a non-DFS channel to avoid interference. This can lead to a decrease in network performance, especially if the new channel is crowded. 1 2

From personal experience, I've noticed that my Asus router sometimes switches to a non-DFS channel, but very rarely, since I don't live near an airport or a military base and I'm not entirely sure what triggers the switch.

Setting Up Automatic Channel Checking

To automate the process of checking and restarting the WiFi channel, you can use a script that periodically checks if the channel has changed and restarts the WiFi if necessary. Here's how you can set it up:

Step 1: Create the Script

First, SSH into your router and navigate to the /jffs/scripts/ directory. Create a new script file named

asus@RT-AX88U_Pro:/tmp/home/root# cd /jffs/scripts/
asus@RT-AX88U_Pro:/jffs/scripts# vi

Add the following content to the script:


logger -t "channel_check" "Checking..."

ifname="$(nvram get wl1_ifname)"
targchanspec="$(nvram get wl1_chanspec)"
currchanspec="$(wl -i $ifname chanspec | awk '{print $1}')"

if [ "$targchan" != "0" ] && [ "$currchan" != "$targchan" ]; then
    logger -t "channel_check" "Channel has changed from ${targchan} to ${currchan}. Restarting WiFi."
    service restart_wireless

logger -t "channel_check" "Done."

Make the script executable:

chmod a+rx /jffs/scripts/

Step 2: Schedule the Script with cru

You can use the cru command to schedule the script to run at specific intervals. This can be done by updating the services-start file or directly using the cru command.

Option 1: Update services-start File

Edit the services-start file in the /jffs/scripts/ directory:

asus@RT-AX88U_Pro:/jffs/scripts# vi services-start

Add the following lines to schedule the script:


# Workdays (Monday to Friday) at 20 minutes past every hour from 0-8 AM and 7-11 PM
/usr/sbin/cru a channel_ck_weekdays "20 0-8,19-23 * * 1-5 sh /jffs/scripts/"

# Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) at 20 minutes past every hour
/usr/sbin/cru a channel_ck_weekends "20 * * * 6,0 sh /jffs/scripts/"

Option 2: Use cru Command Directly

Alternatively, you can use the cru command directly in the terminal to set up the cron jobs:

/usr/sbin/cru a channel_ck_weekdays "20 0-8,19-23 * * 1-5 sh /jffs/scripts/"
/usr/sbin/cru a channel_ck_weekends "20 * * * 6,0 sh /jffs/scripts/"


By setting up this script and scheduling it with cru, you can ensure that your router automatically checks and restarts the WiFi 5GHz if it switches due to DFS. 3 4


  1. [Wireless Router] What is DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection)

  2. RT-AX86U doesn't switch back to DFS channel - SNBForums

  3. User scripts

  4. Scheduled tasks (cron jobs)